Karel the Robot

Before we really start programming let's try something easier - recording  a sequence of commands to a procedure body.

First, we have to create the procedure itself. Procedures are stored in the Code Library which is shown in the left window. When you open Karel for the first time, the Code library is empty, so you have to create a procedure first. To create a new procedure touch the Edit button on the "Library" panel and immediately after, touch + button. As soon as the "Procedure" panel appears, touch the Edit button, then change the procedure name NewProcedure, e.g. to Recording and touch the Done button. 

Now you're ready to record the body of the procedure you just created. Touch the Record button underneath and play with Karel using what you learned in Lesson 1. Everything that you do will be recorded as commands of Karel programing language commands. Once finished touch the Stop button in the left window underneath. 

To replay the recorded sequence clear the world touching trash icon in the middle of the right window and touch the Execute button in the procedure window. Karel will repeat all recorded steps.

And that's it. Easy, right? Are you ready for lesson 3?